You may have seen this before, but my friend Heather sent this along. Check out this link here and let me know if you see the girl rotating clockwise or counterclockwise.
At first all I could see was her turning clockwise, which I guess means I use more of my right brain. This was interesting for me to know, because I never thought of myself as particularly a right brain thinker. But I guess if some of the qualities of a right-brain thinker include "big picture oriented," "can 'get it' (i.e. meaning)," "presents possibilities," and "risk taking," then it makes sense. (Although of course I associate with many of the left-brain qualities, too! Like "words and language," "acknowledges," "forms strategies," and "practical.")
I wasn't able to get her to switch directions until Heather suggested looking unfocused at her feet, and then she switched. So weird! Some of my friends were convinced that it was some technical trick, but yet when we looked at the same screen at the same time, I would see her turning clockwise, while another person would see her continually switching. I'm baffled as to how it works.
So, which part of your brain do you use the most?
I'm a children's book editor living in Brooklyn. I post about books, publishing, life, travel, food, and other random stuff. I was widowed in 2016, and may post about my grief and recovery on occasion as well.
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Monday, October 22, 2007
Okay, I just had to post it

For a while, I thought that maybe I had jinxed them (typical sports fan reasoning), because I couldn't find another picture of me in my Red Sox hat. So I cheated--this one was taken yesterday as I walked all around Manhattan in my hat (I walked from the Upper East Side to the East Village--a good three miles--and then from there all the way west--11th Street--in Hell's Kitchen). It was such a gorgeous day.
I promise...I'll have a real post one of these days. In the meantime, check out my post over at the Blue Rose Girls on Peter Brown and his fabulously bouncy, exciting, pretty good week.
Monday, October 15, 2007
What I'm working on now--another sneak peak.
I just posted over at the Blue Rose Girls about what I'm working on now, plus I also highlighted a few of the books I've worked on that are available this fall. Check it out here.
Saturday, October 13, 2007
Red Sox win again!
I was originally planning to go to the Rutgers One-on-one conference today, but am attending a former colleague's wedding in the Poconos instead. This has been an unbelievably hectic week, and I don't see it letting up until two weeks from now at the soonest. I'm trying to get my four novels on the Fall 2008 list into copyediting in the next two weeks. They're getting the meantime, a lot of my other work/emails/reading has been put on hold. Bear with me, please!
Tuesday, October 09, 2007
Go Red Sox!
P.S. This is a picture taken at Kindling Words in 2005, I'm sitting on a frozen Lake George. I won't be attending Kindling Words next January, unfortunately--I had been four years in a row and love it! But I'll be going to China (exciting!) for ten days in January and just couldn't swing it.
Monday, October 08, 2007
Blue Rose Girls starting back up this week
We're resuming our regular posting over at the Blue Rose Girls blog today. I posted about the Carle Honors dinner I attended last Tuesday.
As for this blog, I'll try to post soon...
As for this blog, I'll try to post soon...
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